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INJOY Health NMN 22000 90 capsules
- 市售最高含量 - 3粒750mg NMN
- 高純度複方配方 - 3大活齡抗氧化元素 協同效應
- 科研實證 - 9大功效
- 美國FDA認證 - 高質量標準 嚴格監控執行 國際認證
- 專業科研團隊 - 安心保證
Deliver within 3 to 5 working day(s)
Purchase Exceed $300 EnjoyFree Shipping

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NMN - 市售最高純度3粒750mg NMN
高純度複方配方 - 活性白藜蘆醇 . 假馬齒莧 . PQQ
性價比高 多功能合一
- 增加細胞中的NAD+水平 提升活力
- 高效抗氧化 抗衰老 美肌抗皺
- 促進DNA修復 讓細胞變得更年輕
- 增強免疫系統防護 幫助激活和促進免疫反應
- 紓緩壓力 改善睡眠質素
- 保護視力及眼睛健康
- 促進腦部健康 激活腦細胞
- 促進心臟健康 強化血管彈性
- 保護肝臟功能
- 強化全身器官功能 改善血液循環 提高新陳代謝
早上食用:1-2 粒(50 歲以下)3粒(50歲以上)
適合12 歲以上食用
活性白藜蘆醇 + 假馬齒莧 + PQQ + NMN22000 + B9 +B12
- 請擺放遠離兒童的位置。
- 若不適情況持續,請徵詢醫護人員意見。
- 請勿服用超過建議的劑量。
- 孕婦、授乳中、正在服藥、或對以上成分過敏人士,服用前先咨詢醫生或藥劑師意見。
- Free local delivery service will be provided upon transaction amount of Injoy Health products of HK$300. For spending less than HKD$300, delivery fee will be charged. HKD60 will be charged for Industrial and commercial buildings, HKD 90 will be charged for general area residential buildings , and extra HKD30 will be charged for remote areas.
- We will arrange the shipment within 3-5 working days after the order is confirmed.
- Please note that the delivery time will be affected by statutory holidays, natural disasters, traffic or the weather.
- All order confirmations are subject to stock availability. In the event of the unavailability of the requested products, health.ESDlife has the right to reject the order and notify customers by phone or email before delivery for rearrangements.
- The quality assurance for products should have at least 9 months validity from the date of receipt by the customer.
Exchange Policy
- Customers are responsible to check the condition of goods received at the time of delivery. Once confirmed, no replacement is accepted.
- Products shall be kept in the original package with good conditions for return or exchange. Products that has been worn, used, or altered will not be accepted for return or exchange.
- If any other defective or missing item is found, customers are required to keep the original receipt and contact health.ESDlife Customer Service Department via the below channels within 3 days from the date of delivery.
- Email: support@esdlife.com / ESDlife customer service hotline: (852) 3151-2288
- Items sold are non-refundable.
- The products are supplied by Injoy Health Coporate Limited
- If in case of any dispute, Injoy Health Coporate Limited and health.ESDlife reserve the right of final decision.