G&D 古丹 薄荷薑油 滾珠裝 10毫升
- 對蚊蟲咬傷具止癢作用
- 解除因傷風或感冒引起之鼻塞
- 減輕頭暈頭痛
- 暫時舒緩肌肉疼痛
- 暫時舒緩經期疼痛
- 舟車暈浪
- 具有消炎殺菌作用
- 令精神舒暢
Purchase Exceed $250 EnjoyFree Shipping

G&D 承諾:每賣出3件G&D產品,G&D品牌便會在地球上種植一棵樹
- G&D 薄荷薑油包括原材料全程印尼製造 Made In Indonesia 品質安心可靠。
- 由薄荷及生薑油調配而成,成份天然,給予您一份清新的感覺。
- 提神醒腦,清涼舒暢,令您時刻充滿正能量。
- 由印尼70年草本 GMP藥廠生產。
- 兒童成人適用。
- 10ml裝一枝。
- 走珠式設計,方便易用。
- 通過HACCP, HALAL 及 ISO等國際認証。
- 符合ISO 45001,ISO Lab 1429IDN,HACCP 2022,ISO 9001,ISO 14001標準。
- G&D 印薄荷薑油保存期限為3年,製造日期會由批次而不同,詳見產品包裝盒標示。
G&D 古丹的工廠一直與醫學和藥學界有著緊密合作,進行產品研究。合作的大學包括了
- Diponegoro University in Semarang, Gadjah
Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta
Maranatha University in Bandung
Sanata Dharma University’s School of Pharmacy in Yogyakarta
Soegijopranata University in Semarang;
而這只是其中幾所大學有跟 G&D 古丹的工廠進行了合作。
除了與大學作科研外,G&D 古丹工廠還與
🧪Bandung Institute of Technology’s Research Institution
🔬the Ministry of Health’s Research Center for Herbal Remedies in Tawangmangu, as well as the research Center for Medicinal Herbs and Spices in Bogor 合作。
所有的研究及合作也是為了提高產品安全性及增加大家對G&D 古丹薄荷薑油的信心!
- 把G&D薄荷薑油使用於太陽穴或人中,輕輕感受薄荷及薑油味道,能達到提神醒腦效果。
- 把G&D薄荷薑油使用於蚊蟲所咬之處,能有清涼舒暢感覺,有效止痕。
- 把G&D薄荷薑油塗於背部,配合手掌溫感按摩,薑油成份有效減輕經痛感覺。
- 第一次使用請先進行皮膚測試,若使用後皮膚不適請即時停止使用,並請教專科醫生。
- 此產品因有衛生考量,出貨後不設退換。
- 避免陽光直接照射及存放在陰涼乾燥處。
- 患有 葡萄糖六磷酸去氫酵素缺乏症(蠶豆症)G6PD 缺乏症之人士不宜使用。
- 使用後請不要以熱水沖洗塗抹之
General Terms:
- Items sold are non-refundable.
- The quality assurance for products should have at least 12 months validity from the date of receipt by the customer.
- The products are supplied by Acc Biotech Limited.
- If in case of any dispute, Acc Biotech Limited and Health.ESDlife reserve the right of final decision.
Delivery Terms:
- Free local delivery service will be provided upon transaction amount of HK$250. For spending less than HKD$250, HKD$50 delivery fee will be charged.
- We will arrange the shipment within 1-3 working days after the order is confirmed.
- Please note that the delivery time will be affected by statutory holidays, natural disasters, traffic or the weather.
- All order confirmations are subject to stock availability. In the event of the unavailability of the requested products, health.ESDlife has the right to reject the order and notify customers by phone or email before delivery for rearrangements.
Exchange Policy:
- Customers are responsible to check the condition of goods received at the time of delivery. Once confirmed, no replacement is accepted.
- Products shall be kept in the original package with good conditions for return or exchange. Products that has been worn, used, or altered will not be accepted for return or exchange.
- If any other defective or missing item is found, customers are required to keep the original receipt and contact Acc Biotech Limited Customer Service Department via the below channels within 3 days from the date of delivery.
Email: cs@accmask.com