![Picture of PPP Kill Virus 殺菌 空氣淨化過濾網 (適用於PPP-400-01) x 4 pcs [原廠行貨] Picture of PPP Kill Virus 殺菌 空氣淨化過濾網 (適用於PPP-400-01) x 4 pcs [原廠行貨]](https://fwdhealth.esdlife.com/shop/content/images/thumbs/0042679_ppp-kill-virus-ppp-400-01-x-4-pcs-_360.jpeg)
PPP Kill Virus 殺菌 空氣淨化過濾網 X 4 pcs(適用於PPP-400-01) [原廠行貨]
- 過濾層含有專利消毒及殺菌藥水
- 有效滅殺空氣傳播的病毒及病毒氣溶膠, 病毒包括H1N1, EV71, 中東沙士等新型冠狀病毒, 麻疹病毒(99.99%) ***
購買任何真毅環境科技有限公司產品,即享香港一般地區免費送貨服務。所有送往特別/偏遠地區 (汽車無法直達) 之訂單亦需附加費用,並由送貨員收取。<按此選購其他產品>
AIRA 氣流整流技術 除了利用專門設計用於去除特定類型污染物的過濾器來淨化空氣,我們也採用了最新的AIRA專利技術,透過納米科學的技術和應用,並通過汽流的整流及調整,優化每個過濾層的之間交織的氣流,從而實現提高淨化效率的目的。
+ HEPA 十字型過濾層技術 雙層HEPA被結合垂直和橫向的設計,可以鎖住不同方向流動的顆粒物 |
PMmanget 納米表面處理技術 PPP的過濾物料製造時經過特別納米處理,因此過濾材料對非常細小的微粒物質具有高吸附力。PPP 並非彩用“篩”的過濾機理來隔濾顆粒物,相反,PPP刻意吸引顆粒物,並把顆粒物像磁石般鎖在過濾材料的表面上。 |
迎合不同家庭之需要,PPP 提供不同之濾網,最大限度淨化空氣
二合一HEPA除甲醛過濾層 組合HEPA及活性碳過濾層 同時達到除菌、除臭及除甲醛功效 適用對象︰養有寵物的家庭、老人院舍、新裝修的家居、家居中有敏感群組成員
高效雙層HEPA過濾層 專利十字形設計同時組合垂直與水平過濾器排列方式 專門清除環境中的顆粒物 適用對象︰家居靠近馬路邊、家居窗戶常開啟、家居是自然通風、家居裡有開放式的廚房、家居有敏感群組成員
KILL VIRUS過濾層 過濾層含有專利消毒及殺菌藥水 特強殺滅細菌及病毒 (H1N1 、 H3N2 、 大腸桿菌等)能力(>99.99﹪) *** 適用對象︰家居中有免疫力低下人,如老人、小童、孕婦、長期病患者的家庭 |
PPP 空氣淨化機性能認證
CADR 空氣淨化性能認證 ANSI/AHAM AC-1
CADR 根據中國國家實驗室標準測試
APIAC/LM 01-2015, GB/T 18801-2015空氣淨化器測試標準
殺菌率(Staphylococcus albus 8032, Aspergillus niger ATCC16404)
殺菌率 (大腸桿菌 Phi-X174)
蟎抗原去除率 (塵蟎 Der f1)
所有的效能測試,都是於Perfect Particulates Purification – PPP空氣淨化器裡安裝了作專門去除特定類型染物的過濾器進行
*** KILL VIRUS 過濾層乃本地大學 2017 年發表的研究成果,可以滅殺以下細菌及病毒:
- H1N1豬流感(> 99.9%)
- HIN1(99.9%)
- H3N2(99.9%)
- RSV(99.9%)
- EV71(99%6)
- 枯草芽孢桿菌內生孢子(99%)
- 枝孢子孢子(99%)
- 曲霉孢子(90%)
- 青黴素孢子(90%)
- 麻疹(> 90%)
- 大腸桿菌(> 99.9%)
- 銅綠假單胞菌(> 99.9%)
- 嗜麥芽窄食單胞菌(> 99.9%)
- 番荔枝(99.2%)
- 假單胞菌(Pseudomonas Pudita)(> 99.9%)
- 克雷伯菌肺炎(> 99.9%)
- 鏈球菌肺炎(99.8%)
- 鏈球菌(99.6%)
- 伊麗莎白金菌病(99.9%)
- 莫拉氏菌(> 99.9%)
- 栗科(Kocuria kristinae)(> 99.9%)
- 金黃色葡萄球菌(> 99.9%)
- 枯草芽孢桿菌(> 99.9%)
- 肺炎軍團菌(> 99.9%)
- 尋常變形桿菌(> 99.9%)
- 洋蔥假單胞菌(99.8%)
- 糞腸球菌(99%)
- 金黃色葡萄球菌(> 99.9%)
- 莫拉氏菌(> 99.9%)
- 吲哚類桿菌(99.9%)
- 巴斯德氏菌(> 99.9%)
- PPP Kill Virus 殺菌 空氣淨化過濾網 1 個
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- Ordered goods will be delivered in 4-10 working days (Mon to Fri, except for Public Holidays)after order confirmation. Delivery time is 9am-6pm.
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- Each order only allows return once.
Green Breeze Limited's warranty service included that the product identified hereunder is free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service during the warranty period, and the warranty offers the end-user free service within the limit of the following conditions:
- Please keep and present the warranty certificate attached with the product and the original purchase invoice to Green Breeze Limited's technician for verification when service is rendered, otherwise the warranty will be invalid.
- Green Breeze Limited is responsible for repairing of replacing parts, free of charge, for any defect, in judgment of Green Breeze Limited's technician, caused under normal use within the warranty period commencing from the day of purchase replaced parts shall become our property.
- Consultation fee and maintenance fee will be charged after the warranty period.
- Any warranty certificate other than Green Breeze Limited's warranty certificate will not be recognized.
- Free warranty service will not be provided to a product if it has been explicitly or implicitly modified, tampered with or altered, or repaired in any way by person other than technicians of our company, or it has been damaged through misuse, negligence, accident, or natural calamities, or defects caused by using non-original parts or products, or improper installation, or the transformation by using organic solvent, or the serial number of which has been altered, effaced or removed.
- In case of service is needed, the end-use will be responsible for forwarding the unit to and fro Green Breeze Limited's office.
- Warranty is valid only in Hong Kong.
- Green Breeze Limited will not liable for any loss directly or indirectly caused from breakdown of the product.
> Green Breeze Limited customer service hotline: 34887384
> This Product is provided by Green Breeze Limited
> Should any dispute arise, Green Breeze Limited and health.ESDlife reserves the right of final decision