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Product: CBMG_ESD047

Clearbridge Medical Circulating Tumor Cell Cancer Screening Package

Recommended for

  • Recommended for 40 years old or above

  • People who want to know the risk of having cancer
  • Family history of malignancy
  • Cancer patients or those who worry about the risk of recurrence


Key Checkup Items:

  • Circulating Tumor Cell Cancer Screening

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1 Additional Items

Cancer Marker Screening

(Choose 5 out of 7)
  • AFP (Liver)
  • PSA - Free- Male Only
  • CA 125 (Ovary)- Female Only
  • CA19.9 (Pancreas)
  • CA15.3 (Breasts)- Female Only
  • CEA (Colorectal)
  • PSA - Total (Male Only)
2 Items

Cancer Screening

  • Circulating Tumor Cell Cancer Screening


  • Consultation before check-up
  • Face to face report interpretation by doctor

Clearbridge Medical Circulating Tumor Cell Cancer Screening Package

What is CTC Circulating Tumor Cell Detection?

CTC CTC are the cancer cells that have detached from the primary tumor or metastatic tumor into circulatory system during tumor progression or metastases.


CTC enter blood circulation during(ultra-)early stage of cancer development. These serveas a biomarker for cancer early screening.


It would about to detect CTC shed from solid tumor via circulatory system during cancer metastasis. Such as laryngeal cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, lung cancer, oesophageal cancer, gastric cancer, liver cancer, bile duct cancer, colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer gallbladder cancer, prostate cancer, bladder cancer, kidney cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, breast cancer, thyroid cancer, skin cancer and melanoma.



  • detected 18 kinds of common tumors in the early stage
  • high sensitivity up to 95%, specificity up to 90%.
  • small amount of blood only
  • no radiation intrusion
  • able to detect tumors earlier than CT, MRI, PET Scan
  • no biopsy required


Cancer has been hailed as the top killer in each disease, which seriously threatens health. Globalcan has released the latest national cancer statistics for 2021 showing that in 2020, there were about 19.3 million new cancer cases, and the number of dead people was as high as 10 million. The overall onset and mortality rates have increased year by year.


Tumors generally take 10 -20 years to d developed from stage one to stage four cancer. Traditional imaging is usually not found the tumor in its early stage.
Once the symptoms have been occurred, they may enter the middle and late stages. Hence, early screening may provide early treatment and improve cure through different means.


Recommended For

  1. people who want to know the risk of having cancer.
    family history of malignancy
  2. cancer patients or those who worry about the risk of recurrence
  3. over 40 years old
  4. high work pressure and bad lifestyle such as lack of exercise, smoking, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, overwork, severe malnutrition, partial eclipse, including excessive pressure, etc
  5. long-term exposure to toxic and harmful substances due to occupational factors, such as hospital radiology workers, nuclear power plant uranium mine and reactor workers, factory asbestos workers, etc.



Clearbridge Medical Center - Health Check Package:

  • Clearbridge Medical will contact the customer within 2 working days after successful payment. Client also can contact contact Clearbridge Meidcal as the folliwng: 2155 1951 or 2155 2228
  • Customers must present their identity cards and order confirmation letter (hard copy) on the appointment day
  • Health screening proceeding by medical and health care staff
  • The plan will be valid for 6 months starting from the date of payment.
  • Checkup report usually takes about 7-14 working days to process the inspection report. Working days do not include Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
  • Amendment or cancellation is not allowed once the payment is confirmed, and is not transferable and refundable.


Clearbridge Medical Center - Vaccine Package:

  • Clearbridge Medical will contact the customer within 2 working days after successful payment. Client also can contact contact Clearbridge Meidcal as the folliwng: 2155 1951 or 2155 2228
  • Customers must present their identity cards and order confirmation letter (hard copy) on the appointment day.
  • Vaccination with 6 months validity. Registration must be completed within 6 months, e.g. purchase date is 1st January 2020, customers must be registered on or before 1st July 2020. Reservations are taken one month in advance. Invalid exceeds the period.
  • This transaction is subject to the assessment by doctor for the suitability of vaccine injection. If a patient is considered not suitable for the vaccine injection upon doctor’s consultation, a consultation fee of $ 300 will be charged and the remaining balance will be refunded.
  • The vaccination injection process is handled by registered nurse or medical professional. 
  • No refund on all vaccination.



  1. All health check/health screening services are not for the purpose of medical diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.   When there is any sign of symptom/disease in your health, please consult Doctor immediately for diagnosis and treatment. 
  2. The Merchant is the service provider of this Service/Product.  ESD Services Limited (“Health.ESDlife”) is not the service provider of this Service/Product.  Health.ESDlife is irresponsible to any loss, injury or law action caused by using this service/product.  Any claims and inquiries should be addressed to the respective Merchant.
Clearbridge Medical Center1 Locations

Q: 為什麼要提早發現癌症風險?

A: 根據世界衛生組織 2020 統計,全球高達一千萬人死於癌症,其中約 50% 的癌症其實是可以
活率比第四期高出 60%, 又例如結直腸癌一期患者,五年生存率可達 90%,而四期患者的五年
生存率僅有 10%。[2] 可見癌症早發現早診療的重要性。越早發現風險,可越早提示改變生活
[1] Factsheets: Detail: Cancer. World Health Organization. 2022
[2] Cancer Survival in England. NHS Digital. 2022


Q: 什麼是液體活檢(liquid biopsy)或血液活檢(blood biopsy)? 與傳統組織組織活檢有什麼分別?

A: 目前的液體活檢主要是指利用如血液,進行疾病的監測、診斷及評估。而血液中包括多種 腫
瘤直接相關的標誌物ctDNA, cfDNA, CTC 等等。經過多項臨床研究證實,通過液體活檢能使我們

液體活檢 組織活檢
非或最低入侵性 入侵性
低創傷風險 高創傷風險
過程簡單快速 過程複雜費時
反映全面癌症風險 只能反映局部樣本情況
無痛 有痛楚
可 3-6 個月反復進行檢測 覆檢週期以年計
價格相宜 手術費高昂



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