In order to keep track with your health situation regularly, it's recommended to conduct a comprehensive body check every year. It helps to discover the potential health problems through the health check in the very early stage, before having any symptoms as a precaution. Yearly comprehensive medical check up plan can generally consider covering Three Highs, diabetes, liver and kidney function, gout, hepatitis examination, Helicobacter pylori, thyroid, and cardiac check. Besides, ultrasound is another checkup items which use imaging to understand any abnormal condition in the body. When comparing or search for a health checkup plan, you may depends on your individual needs, family history, and pick the best body check plan for yourself.
超聲波檢查(7選2)、癌症指標(6選2)、心臟檢查、幽門螺旋桿菌抗體、三高檢查 (糖尿、血壓及血脂)
乳房超聲波 或 2D乳房X光造影 (二選一)、柏氏抹片、癌症指標 (肝癌及前列腺)、靜臥心電圖、大便隱血
超聲波(7選2)、癌症指標(8選2) 、靜態心電圖、乙型肝炎篩査、甲狀腺、肝腎功能