
Cheng S*** h*** 2024-08-31
訂購方便 預約方便 報告快速
Ng M 2024-06-05
比起早前買貴了 20%有多,勝在可以在網上購買及體檢地方方便, 另外電話查詢驗身計劃時的體檢中心的客戶服務員態度10分良好! 失望之處在於健康網購的客戶服務員質素參差, 有些態度良好, 提供的資料充足又正確,有些強差人意, 希望可以改進!
KWAN C*** W*** 2024-05-18
Ng F*** 2024-03-28
value for money and good customer service for enquiry, good location for body check
She E*** 2024-03-23
service attitude is ok, but information (e.g. when to pick up the report etc) not provided unless speifically asked.