
mingfa y*** 2024-09-09
So Y*** Y*** 2024-08-01
Fung C*** K*** K*** 2024-05-18
Long waiting time , but the nurse is professional , no up selling
IP K*** 2024-01-27
really good and the customer service is quite friendly. will come and choose the annual body check plan again. good price and many options
Wong J*** 2023-12-01
檢查流程挺不錯, 超聲波師也十分細心, 但醫生講解就hea左少少。另外檢查項目亦設計得沒很好, 他有測試總膽紅素, 但郤沒有細分直接膽紅素和間接膽紅素, 不能有效幫助檢查身體問題....