
Fung Y*** W*** 2024-08-25
Ho S*** S*** 2024-07-15
咁岩想做過敏測試就去左, 不過結果唔係想像中咁多野睇.
Ho S*** S*** 2024-07-15
冇咩特別呀, 只係咁岩想測致敏原...不過結果唔係我想像咁.
Koay A*** 2024-05-28
POH P*** S*** 2024-05-22
The IgE Allergy check is for my daughter who has dust allergies and intolerance to fish and seafood. On first visit, nurse could not find her veins to draw blood and halfway through finger pricking method nurse offered to abandon test and to re-book after my child drink more water before the visit. Subsequent visit was very smooth. Report was out the following week too. Overall, a very satisfied customer.